============ Installation ============ CoSS development environment can be installed using **docker**. This way we run the web app and all it's dependencies as docker containers. `Here `_ you can find more info about what docker is. ************ Dependencies ************ #. You need to install docker in your system. The `installation guide `_ covers many operating systems but for now we only support Linux and Mac OS X. *Version required*: 1.3.1 or higher. #. We are using an orchestration tool for docker called `docker-compose `_ that helps us automate the procedure of initiating our docker containers required for development. Installation instructions can be found `in Compose's documentation `_. *Version required*: 1.0.1 or newer. Running Docker on Mac ##################### Here are some notes for running Docker on Mac. * Docker cannot run natively on Mac because it is based on a Linux kernel specific feature called LXC. * When running docker in Mac via **boot2docker** you are running a lightweight Linux VM in Virtualbox that hosts the docker daemon and the LXC containers. * We are running docker client in our host system that connects to the docker daemon inside boot2docker VM. * We are using docker's *volume sharing* feature in order to share the source code with the Coss container. This is not directly supported in Mac. As a workaround boot2docker implements this feature by sharing the folder with Virtualbox first. * The extra layer that we are adding using Virtualbox might cause some performance issues. This is a trade-off for having an easily reproducible stack without installing everything manually. More information regarding boot2docker can be found `in the documentation `_. Here are some extra steps in order to run CoSS on Mac: #. Make sure *boot2docker* is initialized:: $ boot2docker init #. Make sure *boot2docker* VM is up and running:: $ boot2docker up #. Export *DOCKER_HOST* variables using the following command:: $ $(boot2docker shellinit) .. note:: You need to make sure to run ``$(boot2docker shellinit)`` in each new shell you are using, or export it globally in order not to repeat this step every time you are working on CoSS. ************* Building CoSS ************* You only need to follow these steps once. #. Fork the main `CoSS repository `_. #. Clone your fork to your local machine:: $ git clone git@github.com:YOUR_USERNAME/coss.git coss (lots of output - be patient...) $ cd coss #. Configure your local coss installation:: $ cp env-dist .env #. Start ``PostgreSQL`` container:: $ docker-compose up -d db #. Build the app container (this will take some time):: $ docker-compose build web ***************** Populate database ***************** You only need to follow these steps once. #. Create the database tables and run the migrations:: $ docker-compose run web python manage.py migrate --noinput #. Create a superuser:: $ docker-compose run web python manage.py createsuperuser #. Load or (for Mac users only) ``:8000`` where ```` is the one returned by ``boot2docker ip`` command. #. Stop the server with ``Ctrl^C``. ************ Running coss ************ #. Run coss:: $ docker-compose up web #. Develop!